NAME carol ???

AGE 13? 14?

BIRTHDAY december 25th (a chirstmas CAROL, get it???? hahahah)

JOB illegal camera boy for bull-seye (the company he works for!)

LIKES following behind people, following orders, following owl, following is his favorite hobby! the smell of honey, key lime flavored things, quiet places, cute clothing, six and owl :3

DISLIKES (more like things he can barely tolerant) loud enviroments, the shutter noise from his polaroid, kalpi, scary things, those that hurt the people he likes, owl's desire for flesh 0_0.., foods that are too sweet

ABOUT ever since waking up in a freezer meant for animal meat carol's life has gone to a strange route! he doesnt mind though, his current situation is much more fun than being stuck at an orphanage! its very hard for him to feel emotions that arent happiness or boredom. some say his apathetic nature is scary, but he just wants to be your friend! hes just a boy (or girl, no one really knows...)! being kidnapped taken in by owl was certainly the best thing that has happened to him so far. used to taking orders, owl has tasked him the (very dangerous) job of taking pictures of crime scenes that are caused by demons and angels. hes young but hes got tough stomach! no matter how gruesome the scene lil ol' carol doesnt flinch one bit! oh and he shares a body with the heir of hell! they fight often, but its more one sided, as carol isnt capable of holding hatred in his heart (yet!). he doesnt know what lies ahead of him in life but he hopes he can be happy forever!

EXTRA he has more control of the body, which is strange as hes just a normal human being o.o